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Best anchor for sailboats: A Head-to-Head Comparison of Rocna, Bruce, and Lewmar Delta Anchors

Introduction for this head-to-head comparison of the best anchor:

Sailing the open seas is an exhilarating adventure, but every sailor knows the importance of a reliable anchor. Choosing the right anchor can make the difference between a peaceful night at anchor and a restless one filled with anxiety.

In this article, we'll explore and compare three top contenders in the world of best sailboat anchors: Rocna, Bruce, and Lewmar Delta.

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Rocna Anchor:

Rocna anchors have gained a reputation for their innovative design and exceptional holding power. These anchors feature a concave shape with a sharp point, allowing them to dig deep into various seabed types. The roll-bar design ensures a reliable set every time, making them a favorite among sailors worldwide.

Design and Performance:

Rocna anchors are known for their versatility and adaptability to different seabeds. The concave shape, combined with the roll-bar, enables the anchor to set quickly and securely. This design also makes the Rocna anchor effective in a wide range of conditions, from soft mud to rocky bottoms.

One of the key advantages of Rocna anchors is their self-launching feature. The roll-bar ensures that the anchor self-rights when lifted, making it easy to deploy and retrieve. This is a significant benefit for single-handed sailors or those facing challenging weather conditions.

Material and Construction:

Rocna anchors are crafted from high-strength steel, providing durability and corrosion resistance. The robust build ensures that the anchor can withstand the rigors of long sea voyages and challenging anchoring conditions. The combination of superior materials and thoughtful design makes Rocna anchors a reliable choice for sailors seeking peace of mind in their anchoring gear.

Bruce Anchor:

The Bruce anchor, also known as the Claw anchor, has a storied history in the world of maritime exploration. Developed by Peter Bruce in the 1970s, this anchor gained popularity for its strong holding power and ability to set quickly. While there are variations in design, the fundamental claw-like shape remains a defining feature of the Bruce anchor.

Design and Performance:

The Bruce anchor's claw-like design is optimized for soft and medium seabeds. Its ability to penetrate the sea bottom quickly and set firmly makes it a go-to choice for sailors navigating through sandy or muddy conditions. The three-pronged configuration ensures that the anchor can rotate and find the most secure position for maximum holding power.

One of the notable features of the Bruce anchor is its ability to reset itself if the boat shifts due to changes in wind or tide. This self-righting capability provides added confidence to sailors, especially in unpredictable anchoring situations.

Material and Construction:

Bruce anchors are typically constructed from high-tensile steel, offering a balance between strength and weight. The robust build ensures the anchor's longevity and reliability in various anchoring scenarios. While Bruce anchors may not be as heavy as some other designs, their effectiveness in specific seabeds makes them a favorite among sailors with a preference for sandy or muddy anchorages.

Lewmar Delta Anchor:

Lewmar, a renowned name in the marine industry, offers the Delta anchor as a reliable solution for sailors seeking a balance of performance and convenience. The Delta anchor features a plow-like design, combining the benefits of quick setting and strong holding power.

Design and Performance:

The Lewmar Delta anchor's plow-shaped design allows for easy penetration into different seabeds. The weighted tip ensures that the anchor sets rapidly, providing quick security for the vessel. The low profile and self-launching design make the Delta anchor user-friendly, especially for sailors who prioritize ease of use during anchoring maneuvers.

One of the key advantages of the Delta anchor is its ability to remain buried in the seabed even when the boat shifts position. This attribute enhances its holding power and provides peace of mind to sailors in varying anchoring conditions.

Material and Construction:

Lewmar constructs Delta anchors from high-grade manganese steel, combining strength and corrosion resistance. The manganese steel construction ensures the anchor's durability, making it a reliable choice for sailors embarking on extended voyages or facing diverse anchoring environments. The Delta anchor's galvanized or stainless-steel options cater to sailors with different preferences and priorities.

Comparison of the best anchor:

Now that we've explored the key features of Rocna, Bruce, and Lewmar Delta anchors, let's compare these three contenders based on critical factors.

Setting Speed:

  • Rocna: Known for quick and reliable setting due to its concave design and roll-bar feature.

  • Bruce: Sets rapidly in soft and medium seabeds, with the ability to reset itself in changing conditions.

  • Lewmar Delta: Offers fast setting with its plow-shaped design and weighted tip for quick penetration.

Holding Power:

  • Rocna: Renowned for superior holding power in various seabeds, providing confidence in challenging conditions.

  • Bruce: Strong holding power, especially in sandy and muddy bottoms, with the ability to reset for added security.

  • Lewmar Delta: Reliable holding power, complemented by the anchor's ability to stay buried in the seabed during shifts in boat position.


  • Rocna: Versatile in different seabeds, suitable for a wide range of anchoring conditions.

  • Bruce: Particularly effective in soft and medium seabeds, making it suitable for specific sailing environments.

  • Lewmar Delta: Versatile design allows for deployment in various anchoring situations, catering to sailors with diverse needs.

Self-launching and Resetting:

  • Rocna: Self-launching feature with the roll-bar design, enhancing ease of use. Resets easily in case of boat movement.

  • Bruce: Self-rights when lifted, making it user-friendly. Can reset itself in response to changes in wind or tide.

  • Lewmar Delta: Low-profile design and self-launching capability contribute to ease of use. Remains buried during boat shifts for consistent holding power.

Construction and Durability:

  • Rocna: High-strength steel construction ensures durability and corrosion resistance, suitable for long sea voyages.

  • Bruce: Crafted from high-tensile steel for a balance of strength and weight, providing longevity in various conditions.

  • Lewmar Delta: Constructed from high-grade manganese steel, offering strength and corrosion resistance for extended use.

Conclusion of the best anchor:

In the realm of sailboat anchors, the Rocna, Bruce, and Lewmar Delta anchors each bring unique strengths to the table. The choice between them ultimately depends on individual sailing preferences, the typical seabeds encountered, and the sailor's priorities in terms of ease of use, setting speed, and holding power.

Choose Rocna for:

  • Versatility in various seabeds.

  • Superior holding power in challenging conditions.

  • Self-launching and ease of use.

Choose Bruce for:

  • Rapid setting in soft and medium seabeds.

  • Strong holding power, particularly in sandy and muddy bottoms.

  • Self-righting and resetting capabilities.

Choose Lewmar Delta for:

  • Quick setting with a plow-shaped design.

  • Reliable holding power in diverse anchoring situations.

  • User-friendly features, including self-launching and remaining buried during boat shifts.

Ultimately, the best sailboat anchor for you will depend on your specific sailing needs and the conditions you're likely to encounter on your maritime adventures.

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